Mentoring Solutions
Mentoring with a difference based on our real world expertise

Testimonials for Mentoring Solutions
Here's a recent, unsolicited comment from a client:
"The feedback from the group I taught [earlier this year] was that your MSI [Mentoring Style Indicator] is extremely helpful to them. I give it to them prior to their being matched with a mentor internal to the organization. They have an exercise I designed that has them think of the many situations that could crop up during a year-long relationship and they have to decide what they want and what stage they might be in. The feedback [from them] is very clear that they use the MSI long after their mentoring relationship is getting established to refer to as it develops. Thought you might appreciate hearing this from the people who are using it."
Read more sample testimonials below.
If you have questions about these testimonials and how we can assist you, send us a contact note. We look forward to hearing from you.
Mentoring Solutions program design capability
"For many participants, the Women's Foodservice Forum (WFF) Mentoring Program, has been a safe sounding board or a lifeline outside their own companies that they can turn to for advice... When I was a protege in the Program, I didn't need another friend; I needed someone who would be brutally honest and tell me what I needed to change or how to proceed with the way I do business."
"I would highly recommend this WFF Program to anyone who is dedicated to personal growth on any level. My protege and I worked on goals, mission statements, personal and business objectives. We served as emotional and spiritual support for each other...."
"When people want to learn deliberately about each other, that is the way to get along and break down barriers. The Grays have been in Miri helping Shell Sarawak with its Mentoring Programmes."
~~ excerpt from a longer article in Kuching Tribune
"Thank you so much for an exciting and intellectually stimulating Train the Trainer seminar yesterday. All of us enjoyed your presentation. It provided us with the vital information we need to prepare for our mentoring initiative. It also greatly enhanced my skills as an HRD professional."
~ North Broward Hospital District, Florida
Mentoring Solutions training sessions
"... You received nothing but praise from all of us. The work you have done and your superb training sessions have been the keys to our success.... in the current business atmosphere, we can't be secure with an in-house training group. So I hope you won't mind continuing to visit Sara Lee to train us!"
~ excerpt from a longer testimonial, Sara Lee / Donna Karan Hosiery
"Overall, the results from the [Mentor-Protégé] Orientation session are very positive. Participants enjoyed the instruments and found the pace and content of the session enjoyable."
~ excerpt from a longer testimonial, CSX Transportation
"Dr. Gray [trained] mentors and members of the Personnel Organization and Mentoring Subcommittee. During the three days, it was obvious that Dr. Gray is extremely knowledgeable about all the facets of mentoring and certainly has the expertise in this field. He was able to answer complex questions posed by Hewlett-Packard mentors, as well as help Personnel and subcommittee professionals finalize measurement tools and program logistics."
~~ excerpt from testimonial, Hewlett-Packard
"Your training program was outstanding. It was evident that your presentation and materials gave the faculty clear guidelines and increased understanding of the issues... we have spent that past 6 months to plan a training program that would empower faculty to become more effective...."
~~ excerpt from longer testimonial, California State University, Pomona
Mentoring Solutions workshops
"On behalf of the Governor's School and Business Alliance and the New York State Mentoring Committee, thank you for your most informative presentation at the statewide Mentoring Conference. 
Feedback from participants reveal that the information shared made this first time event such a success. We owe much of this to you. We thank you for a job well done.
~~ State of New York
"I know your presentation went extremely well as I had such positive feedback from participants. [They] praised the quality, the professional approach, the amount of information shared... Due to you, our Second Peer Coaching Conference was again a smashing success."
~~ Ottawa Board of Education
"...On behalf of the Board, I want to express my gratitude for your service. Your relationship with the Mentoring Association has been positive and fruitful. Your cordiality, cooperativeness, leadership and most of all, a devoted interest in mentoring, are highlights of your service."

~ excerpt from a longer testimonial, The Mentoring Association
"I attended CMSI's one day 'Developing Successful Mentoring Programs' workshop. The significant learnings I took away from the workshop are as follows: My concepts of mentoring changed... Constant training, monitoring and evaluation help maintain the quality of the Program and ensure that Program goals are being met... The four Components of a Mentoring Program help ensure its success... The workshop has given me a foundation and focus. Thanks for your help."
~~ ICI Pharmaceuticals Group
Mentoring conferences & forums
"We wish to take this time to say a special thank you for your contribution at our Leadership Development Seminar. We received many positive comments and feedback such as: valuable insights, very very relevant information, very interesting presentation, easy to listen to, high quality, useful, did a good job, very interesting topic, good speaker...."
~~ Christian Business and Professional Association
"This letter offers sincere sentiments from all participants in your presentation. I was privileged in attending your Forum. I am impressed with the work you have done in bridging the intergenerational gap. The quality of your informative and interesting session is indicative of your commitment to effecting change in not only today's world but also tomorrow... to empower seniors through your actions.
~~ excerpt National Academy of Older Canadians Society
"I know your presentation went extremely well as I had such positive feedback from participants. [They] praised the quality, the professional approach, the amount of information shared... Due to you, our Second Peer Coaching Conference was again a smashing success."
~~ Ottawa Board of Education
"Our employees found your session to be very thought-provoking and informative. This workshop contributed to the success of the presentations on 'Men and Women Working Together'. Your professionalism and awareness of the issues was an integral part of our event.
~~ Kwantlen College, British Columbia
and more...
"The workshop was extremely well organized... activities were pertinent... materials were clear and well designed... sequence and logical organization were a definite plus.... Dr. Gray's ability to work with sponsors is excellent... and [his] ability to train adults is obvious.... He explains concepts well... is open to workshop participants' ideas and input...
All in all, I would recommend [CMSI's] workshops without reservation.
~~ excerpt from longer testimonial, University of Northern Colorado Graduate Internship Program
"Mentoring Solutions (online) System has been a big asset to us at Defense Supply Center Columbus for our Mentoring Program. It has saved us time for our matching process by having the participants complete the online application and then gave us the matching possibilities to work with.
The OMS System allowed us to confidentially monitor the program on a month-to-month basis... The work we did on the front end with Dr. Gray really helped on the back end for our Mentoring Program. We are getting ready for our next phase [of new participants]."
~ excerpt from a longer testimonial, Defense Supply Center, Ohio
>"The WFF mentor program has given me an outlet that I never really had before by providing a high-caliber coaching resource within the industry... my mentor has been great for discussing everything from managing special projects to taking ownership of my career development..."
My official WFF mentor understood the depth of change I experienced [in starting my own firm]. Her wisdom and level-header support was invaluable.

>"My WFF pre-conference mentor meeting blossomed into a fabulous relationship and friendship. I made some key correct decisions based on the counsel that I would have made differently had I just sought my own counsel."
"Data indicates the Mentoring Workshop was very well received by both mentors and protégés. The feedback on 31 questions indicated an average overall score of 3.2 out of 4 given to two sets of participants on two separate days. 
Of special note were "most beneficial" activities such as: 'converting vague subject ideas to concrete'; 'understanding roles and responsibilities'; ' meeting partner in a structured environment'; 'learning how to shift styles'; 'Action Planning.'"
~~ excerpt from a longer testimonial, Canadian National Rail
"Mentoring Solutions has provided substantive and valuable service. I am pleased with the professional services you have offered to us... The workshops reflected the same preparation and thorough delivery as the workshops delivered for the previous two years involving approximately 100 people... The materials were prepared with such detail that they were helpful to new mentors as they embarked on mentoring roles."
~~ excerpt from a longer testimonial, River East School Division (Manitoba)
"It is clear that Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc. wants the [Mentoring Solutions] program and would like to see it expanded. 
I feel I have the buy in, and the tools to make the program successful. [Mentoring Solutions] provided the tools. I now feel equipped for the mission ahead. Thanks for a week well spent."
~ Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc.
"...we continue to purchase [Mentoring Solution's] profiling instruments...

Having worked personally with Dr. Gray, I would highly recommend him and his organization as consultants...
It was a pleasure working with him on this project."
~ excerpt from a longer testimonial
>"The WFF Mentor Program tools and constructive feedback I received from my mentor have been instrumental to my growth. The time commitment, once invested, has been well worth the payoff."
"The WFF Mentor Program has been a great way to stay connected in the industry. It allows a protege to gain insights from a CEO or senior-level executive that, under traditional circumstances, they may never have access to."